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Showing posts from August, 2021

Ken Betwa Project : Plan to Massacre Millions of Trees Give Goosebumps

 India should  drop the idea  of Ken Betwa  Linking Project (KBLP) which will require felling of  2 to 4  million trees in the emerald forests of Panna national park . Think of the  loss of this staggering  number of trees  in the backdrop of the  unprecedented summers that the country  experienced in the year 2024. Many parts of Bundelkhand where Panna  is situated recorded 49 degrees Celsius while the mercury  soared to 52.9 degrees C in Delhi, later corrected by the government to 50 degrees C (49.9). For a moment forget  the loss of tiger habitat  in the park, think over our own survival. Referring to the  special morphological significance and unique biodiversity of Panna national park, the central empowered committee of the Supreme Court  on the KBLP  observed ," implementing this project would result in the complete breakdown of the evolutionary processes of millions of years." It warned of the widespread ecological devastation.River Ken  is lifeline of  the tiger reser

Photo Ops Over, Tigers Leave the Fans

  Wildlife tourists visiting Panna tiger reserve are a heartbroken lot.  The two most watched tigers of a buffer zone in the park bid goodbye to the reserve . One of them is collared and is moving towards east while the location of his brother, still un-collared, is not known. For the past few months ,  the two tigers  gave a number of photo opportunities to the wildlife photographers in the Akola zone of the buffer. Tourism activities are continuing in the buffer zones of the tiger reserves in Madhya Pradesh. Buzz in the Buffer  This is a fascinating story of two male tigers, P234-31 and P234-32 , popularly known as   Hira and Panna  among the tourists . For the past two months, especially since the park was closed for the three months of monsoon, they became superstars of the tourists. Born in November 2019 to Tigress P234 in her third litter, the two males are now over 20 months old. They were born in the Akola buffer area of Panna tiger reserve; an area which would become  a cattl